Tanya's Creative Camelot
Inviting 12 noble hearts to the Round Table to co-create and cell-ebrate Life
Little techie note: For best viewing watch full screen, symbol to the right, on bottom bar. Video is set on high definition HD 720p. If you need lower resolution, Just hover over HD 720 (black bar under the video). A mini menu pops up: there, click 360p :-)) Enjoy! A BIG, BIG THANK YOU to Martha L. Amado, who is singing "Amazing Grace", song licenced through animoto :-)
ThIs experience may change the rest of your life.
The results of Tanya's work have been described as mind-boggling and 'positively life-altering'.
ThIs experience may change the rest of your life.
The results of Tanya's work have been described as mind-boggling and 'positively life-altering'.
Hawaiian Heaven
The Garden Island of Kaua'i
August 25th - 29th, 2014 &
September 1st - 5th, 2014
mesmerizing, miracle-minded, and one-of-a-kind

- Have a Love Affair with Spirit ♡
- Immerse Yourself in joyous Creation
- Make Friends for Life
- Hike in Hawaiian Heaven
- Harvest Higher Mind
- Receive VIsionary Spiritual Guidance
- Create something unique to YOU
- Divine into Your Imagination and Intuition
- Be open to Soul Surprises - Have FUN!!
TANYA VON ZYCHLINSKY, Your Visionary Spiritual Teacher and Creative Initiator Guide for this Creative Leader Circle on CREATION VACATION.
Be guided by Tanya von Zychlinsky
Your Host and Visionary Guide.
- Expert in the island's nature, spirit, traditions, customs, consciousness, and people
- Expert Dreamer, Visionary Spiritual Teacher and Initiator Guide
- High level Intuitive Speaker, Soulful Storyteller, Creative Leader, and gentle playful Spirit
- Advanced Healer and Idea Generator, who sees the highest potential in people and situations
- Moving Art and artistic movement, muse-ic and movie visions
- Tanya Poetizes the World with soulful stories, writings and beaming being
"Tanya walks barefooted through the spiritual heaven of The Earth, she perceives, with child-like spontaneity, through senses of high vibrational tuning. With loving resonance she blows bubbles of chuckling motivation, that others may experience dancing light within petrified stone. The pure crystal lenses of the higher-self are never shaded."
Stephen Hastings. Businessman, scientist & author
Tanya's Creative Camelot

I've had this vision since childhood
I used to play this out as a kid: We lived in a sand street and with a stick I drew giant blueprints of houses and studios and guest rooms, immersed in my vast visions and imagination. I drew the house and imagined diplomats, creative leaders, innovators, inventors, visionaries, musicians, artists, actors, performers, angels, elementals, my favorite unicorn, my other-planetarians, and a whale, who could stretch and shrink time and himself, come to visit... to rest, relax, dream, vision, create, re-create - and cherish each other's company. I now invite you to join me in my amazing Creative Camelot.
Stop to go forward!
Many of the visions I saw, and kept imagining during that time, actually have manifested many times over. Pretty cool stuff! What amazes me is the fact that when I feel stuck, or overwhelmed with anything, creatively or otherwise, I get the inner guidance to let go completely of any attempt to 'make this work' and instead, for one or three days, to just allow mySELF to DREAM. What happens each time is this: My Dreamer takes the lead and anchors things with the result that I get x3 (or more!) effortlessly accomplished, because it happens in the flow of higher creative Intelligence. My mini me isn't involved. Powerful. I am conscious while the dreaming directs the doing, but often just wonder.
My Creative Camelot has nothing to do with 'knights in shining armor'.
It has EVERYTHING to do with Lights in Shining Marvel! For Soul's Sake.
Have Fun, Create, Fulfill Your Soul, Play, Dream, Vision, Relax, Laugh, Make Friends - and let your Dreamer anchor things. Be ONE. Be Together.
Pure Vibrancy.
I used to play this out as a kid: We lived in a sand street and with a stick I drew giant blueprints of houses and studios and guest rooms, immersed in my vast visions and imagination. I drew the house and imagined diplomats, creative leaders, innovators, inventors, visionaries, musicians, artists, actors, performers, angels, elementals, my favorite unicorn, my other-planetarians, and a whale, who could stretch and shrink time and himself, come to visit... to rest, relax, dream, vision, create, re-create - and cherish each other's company. I now invite you to join me in my amazing Creative Camelot.
Stop to go forward!
Many of the visions I saw, and kept imagining during that time, actually have manifested many times over. Pretty cool stuff! What amazes me is the fact that when I feel stuck, or overwhelmed with anything, creatively or otherwise, I get the inner guidance to let go completely of any attempt to 'make this work' and instead, for one or three days, to just allow mySELF to DREAM. What happens each time is this: My Dreamer takes the lead and anchors things with the result that I get x3 (or more!) effortlessly accomplished, because it happens in the flow of higher creative Intelligence. My mini me isn't involved. Powerful. I am conscious while the dreaming directs the doing, but often just wonder.
My Creative Camelot has nothing to do with 'knights in shining armor'.
It has EVERYTHING to do with Lights in Shining Marvel! For Soul's Sake.
Have Fun, Create, Fulfill Your Soul, Play, Dream, Vision, Relax, Laugh, Make Friends - and let your Dreamer anchor things. Be ONE. Be Together.
Pure Vibrancy.
If you resonate with the energy that my sparkling soul sisters here (names see captions) emanate, you're part of the tribe. Who knows who will or won't come. That's the excitement of the experience. This is just to give you a glimpse of the refined frequencies and high vibes that I am talking about. I was intuitively guided to choose these specific women, because they all walk the talk, have done 'the work', are guided by their inner wisdom - and live in the beauty of their full Soul expression with great courage, boldly following their inner guidance, often 'against all odds'. Like my soul sis Lucille DancingWind, author of 'Sacred Possibilities' writes in her book (3rd photo):"Life in its purest form defies all logic!" It took a lot of courage, over and over, for each of them to get where they are, which is tangible in their warmth and radiance. I adore their gifts, talents, and brilliant being - and each one of them is very dear to me :-))
Bright light shares itself - like the fragrance of a flower - through them...
... and You!
Bright light shares itself - like the fragrance of a flower - through them...
... and You!

- Immerse yourself in beauty, love, laughter, creativity, inspired wisdom and wonders
- Enjoy lavishing your being with poetic views, visions, and voice
- Nourish your unique creative being with PLAY and INSPIRATION and Creative Companions
- Make New Friends for Lfe
- Indulge in what's SO-YOU
- reconnect with that childlike purity and innocence
- Be re-enchanted by YOU & Life
Come, luxuriate in higher being ♡ BE (THE) ONE.
You will benefit from excursions (depending on weather & individual requests), snacks, lunches, water and hot drinks (as they occur within the schedule of the CREATION VACATION and CREATION DAY) as well as Tanya's High Level Intuitive Insights and Visionary Spiritual Guidance, Life Style Training and Activation, hiking (where possible), Playgrounds for Experience, Inspiration, and the Creative Leadership of Visionary Spiritual Guide and Manifesting Consultant Tanya von Zychlinsky. The experience may change the rest of your life, in multiple areas. The results of Tanya's work have been described as mind-boggling and 'positively life-altering'.
A VIP DAY can also be booked in addition to the 5-Day-CREATION VACATION, for only $2,997 extra (usual price is $4997). This is a wonderful opportunity to dive deeper into what has crystallized during the 5 days!
A VIP DAY can also be booked in addition to the 5-Day-CREATION VACATION, for only $2,997 extra (usual price is $4997). This is a wonderful opportunity to dive deeper into what has crystallized during the 5 days!
Tanya von Zychlinsky
Your Visionary Genius Guide "A gentle Presence with a generous heart and a playful Spirit, currently living in the UK, Tanya is all about expressing unlimited creativity and leading others to align with their SOUL TRUTH and unique creative Higher SELF-Expression, their energy, purpose, and soul vision. She uses her high level intuition, her insights, her creativity, her art, her words, her sense-a-tivity, her performance, her foods, her fragrances, her fashion and childlike innocence, to inspire you and immerse you in BEAUTY and CREATIVITY and LOVE and WONDER and MAGIC!'' Tahnee on Radio TahneeTalk You can READ HER BIO HERE. |
Note: Airfare and Travel expenses are NOT included in your CREATION VACATION fees, but we will gladly suggest trusted accommodations for your convenience. Due to timing, your balance is due in full on or before August 23rd for either week (Aug. 25-29th or Sept. 1st-5th). A payment confirmation will be sent to you upon registration. Cancellations received between August 15th - August 22nd receive a 50% refund. Cancellations received after August 22nd do not receive a refund. You will receive your full amount back, should we need to cancel your Creation Vacation or Creation Day from our side due to circumstances not yet known. We see you - and we value you!