Last Chance for the Soul-Savings of the Year!
Hello Gorgeous ONE,
I just wanted to send you a quick reminder that TODAY is the last day to tune into "Your Soul's Melody" with a significant savings of $1,000.
(Did you miss my announcement? Go here: http://www.YourSoulsMelody.com )
If you've been thinking back and forth...like, Yes!! Yes!! Yes!!, then thinking... But, But, But (insert your thoughts)... then you're on the edge of something spectacular.
Let me ask you a question to help you make the right decision for you:
Deep down, if there were no "Buts", would you have already reserved your spot?
Nod, if you said, yes!
Then this is for YOU, sweet Angel.
Your Soul wants it.
And a smart-money-Soul, takes the savings, too. With a BIG SMILE.
So, this is your last chance for the Soul-Savings of the Year.
They go away at today, November 22nd, 2014, at midnight Pacific time.
To your next heightened manifestations,
P.S. If you already reserved your spot, then please feel free to share this email with a friend or colleague you adore.
Hello Gorgeous ONE,
I just wanted to send you a quick reminder that TODAY is the last day to tune into "Your Soul's Melody" with a significant savings of $1,000.
(Did you miss my announcement? Go here: http://www.YourSoulsMelody.com )
If you've been thinking back and forth...like, Yes!! Yes!! Yes!!, then thinking... But, But, But (insert your thoughts)... then you're on the edge of something spectacular.
Let me ask you a question to help you make the right decision for you:
Deep down, if there were no "Buts", would you have already reserved your spot?
Nod, if you said, yes!
Then this is for YOU, sweet Angel.
Your Soul wants it.
And a smart-money-Soul, takes the savings, too. With a BIG SMILE.
So, this is your last chance for the Soul-Savings of the Year.
They go away at today, November 22nd, 2014, at midnight Pacific time.
To your next heightened manifestations,
P.S. If you already reserved your spot, then please feel free to share this email with a friend or colleague you adore.