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Here's your gift…Enjoy! BEAMING BEING IS TRUE TEACHING. "They were already being, what I was aiming to get to!" Discover the huge difference between 'Beaming Being' - and trying to achieve 'it'. Are You ready? Not everyone is... |
You are receiving 'BEAMING BEING' as a gift for you. It's an excerpt of my book 'How to Prepare for Creative Manifestation'. It describes part of the basis for my work with those who are ready. Not everyone is. If you are ready to live from within your Beaming Being, just join us on our upcoming CREATION VACATION, August 25 - 29th, 2014 - or: September 1st - 5th, 2014...
... or if you can't leave town, sign up for Your Soul's Melody here. It's a life changing 5-months-signature-program and participants get the entire book for free as a bonus. Heaven on Earth is what YOU make it...
Enjoy your gift. Can't wait to meet you in person in divine timing, oxo Tanya
If you wish to continue reading the entire frst Genius Guide Book in the Your Soul’s Melody series, please click HERE.
Tanya von Zychlinsky . High Level Inspiration and Visionary Spiritual Guidance
... or if you can't leave town, sign up for Your Soul's Melody here. It's a life changing 5-months-signature-program and participants get the entire book for free as a bonus. Heaven on Earth is what YOU make it...
Enjoy your gift. Can't wait to meet you in person in divine timing, oxo Tanya
If you wish to continue reading the entire frst Genius Guide Book in the Your Soul’s Melody series, please click HERE.
Tanya von Zychlinsky . High Level Inspiration and Visionary Spiritual Guidance