For Dreamers, Visionaries, Artists, Poets, and other Creative Leaders
by Tanya von Zychlinsky published each Monday for Magical Being
Volume 1 Issue 1 June 30th, 2014 Cell-ebrating Your Higher Calling!
Hello, Lovelies, I've got some NEWS for you. Here they come:
Your Monday Marvels and Musings - and, yes, at some point also music -
... sent out weekly on Monday's via email to my subscribers with gorgeous images and soul sprinkles right from the Source. I share from my experience, too, as real life metaphor and so you can get to know me better. I am looking forward to playful interaction with you - and to immerse you in intuitive wisdom, imagination, and inspiration.
If that sounds yummy and you want in, that's easy: Just leave your name and email and get on the priority list and you're all set to receive...
I was guided to give this blog fresh life as well to support you in
cell-ebrating your Higher Calling and our Creative Community...
... to be immersed in joyous Creation:
- Embrace Your enchanted Living
- Evolve Your luminary Legend
- Emerge from within Your Soul's Melody
- BE the Spotlight for others
- Hatch your Soul Surprise
- LIVE your Aloha
... Your Soul's Melody is all about YOU... :-)) Your Soul Truth, your Essence, YOU.
Your weekly Monday Marvels and Musings cell-ebrate Your Higher Calling
through this blog and my weekly Your Soul's Melody Muse-ic via email :-))
Bye Bye Before...
Get ready for your new foundation and your New BOOK of LIFE (not only new chapter!)
You turned the last page already - now you just gotta let it go, or you can't start the new book.
In the first two weeks of July, release and let go, let go, let go of what isn't really You. The more you are letting go, the more can expand in the second week of July and into August 2014. You are emerging as a more expansive You and the opportunities coming to you are more expansive.
Welcome to Your own Soul's Melody, that unique frequency and tone that your being gives off, when you are fully aligned with your soul truth, with all that is so you. When you are emerging without other-people-stuff clinging to you. You know... when you feel enthusiastic about something, that's a pretty good indicator, because feeling enthusiastic is the energy when form and formless align, when the physical and the magical, the form and the energetic are ONE.
It's when you are so synchronized with your Divine Design that your whole being is lit up with vibrancy and vital visions of JOY and WONDER and AWE and your inner music. It's the song of your soul, the sound of your heart, it's why you came here in the first place. You're meant to live and express ALL of You, and in order to be able to do that, you need to know who and what that is and how to be ONE with your higher creative Self.
And when you are living as ONE with your true SELF,...
... then the stream of synchronicity that you will experience is like a waterfall of wisdom, wonders, wealth, and other creative manifestation. No strain. No effort. No 'working hard'. That doesn't mean that you are not doing anything. It means that what you ARE doing will feel like such PLAY and PASSION that you won't even really see it as 'work', because you LOVE doing it and you will be doing things that you don't even really notice. It's more like the unfoldment happens through you as you witness it happen. How do I know?

That's me, by the way, in case you don't know me yet. I have also made some first videos, so you can get to know me better :-)) So... what I am sharing with you is all pretty cool stuff! Well, it's not 'stuff' really. It's your personality allowing your true Essence to guide you. It's so beautiful. And really easy once you get the hang of it...
No eternal 'getting there'. Just emerging from within Your Soul's Melody, as you allow your higher being to be ONE with your personality. Just let your Dreamer anchor things for you :-)) Easy.
I noticed THIS in my own life...
Whenever I allow myself to 'take a day or so off and just allow my Dreamer to play and anchor things, then I find myself doodling, humming, wiggling and dancing, connecting with you, having fun with friends, exploring my nature, taking photos, creating, writing, jotting things down, inventing, crystallizing, bubbling out ideas, making phone calls, scribbling and scheduling, organizing and orchestrating, streamlining, and more.
You bet, I'm humming as I prepare to dream, vision, and vacation, celebrating life - and making that available for others to celebrate with me. At the end of the day or sometimes week(s), I just look up in astonishment, wondering where the time went - and why I'm hungry :-))
Remember those times??
As I am receiving my own Higher Calling
- I am cell-ebrating Yours!
That's why I am guided to get over my visibility-shyness and share my life and creative Self-Expression much more with you. It's more fun together, and it makes me happy to keep the inspiration going as you are emerging from within your dream as who you were born to be.
So, I've got two questions for you - and would love to hear your answers in the comments below...
1) When was the last time You allowed yourself for a day or more to just DREAM?
And if so, how was it - and what happened? Do you remember?
2) Would you love to allow yourself a whole DREAMING DAY or WEEK soon?
('cause I'm getting ready to travel... and I'm taking some people with me ;-)
with dancing dreams and vital visions,
oxo Tanya
Tanya von Zychlinsky
Dreamer & Visionary Spiritual Guide
P.S. I'm looking forward to our creative explorations together and getting to know you better :-))