... but here's the thing: When I had the intuition to take a quick photo of the brush before washing it, I could have as easily dismissed it, since I was already by the sink... but I didn't. I took inspired action, several times actually:
1. take the photo
2. take it in front of the canvas
3. upload and play with it, see what words want to go with it
4. cell-ebrate the colors (= really savor the beauty of the colors) and enjoy the result
5. share it with my extended family
... and I'm sure, it does not end there.
I could not have planned this composition any more organically, and I hope that this little story of unfoldment inspires you to also act more often on your intuition.
wishing you many colorful miracles,
with a wonder-filled heart,
☆✩ Tanya ✩☆
Storyteller, Writer, and Painting Poet