The unfoldment of one synchronicity after another is teaching me so much. My magical story teller sister Rosa wrote me this eye-opening inspiration, sharing another one of her clear intuitive insights.
''When I went to the Inspirational Storytellers site, I saw the photo of the old oak tree and right there - beneath it - was your story. I felt that THIS is your true love (in one sense). Metaphorically, writing and telling your stories is your true love, and following it led you to share with so many others through this new community. It is my intuitive sharing for you. '' (Rosa)
Her insight went through and through and hit home, because writing, journaling, and poetizing the world comes so natural to me, that I did not give it value and importance - but is 'so me'... and everything that brings so much as a smile to your face, has value.
Giving is like breathing... can't only breathe out, You have to also breathe in - receive - and let the flow circulate! Only giving is as disruptive to the flow as only receiving - it is about BALANCE.
So, while I was so busy during the past few years learning and absorbing all I can about contributing to and creating a new economy through doing what I love: inside first, then the outside is a natural result and reflection of that inner economy. How does what I love add value to my own and someone else's life? How can I circulate my gifts and receive as well (can't only be giving!). It had never occurred to me that writing, speaking, and story telling is my TRUE LOVE, my passion, my most fluent and powerful way to express my creative Spirit for the benefit and blossoming of my own life and the life of others. When I let my true love flow through to you and others, then I can feel that love since it flows through me first.
And then that same day, I met a woman who works with kids and adults with a speech impediment, specialized on those gifted souls who have a stutter - which can have many reasons. An enriching exchange ensued about so many things I had no idea about, when this sentence hit home. She said:''You know, there are so many people struggling to gain some form of control over their speech. We don't even realize that communicating with ease is such a gift - let alone have great mastery over language. Often what comes most natural to us, we give no credit at all, we can see it as little as our nose, ears, or forehead - unless we have a mirror.
Is there something that you long to express? that you love, love, love doing - and could be doing all day long ?
I assure you, there are people out there waiting for that very expression to inspire them. What you seek seeks you also!
So, here's a little challenge for you.
- What you would really, really love (!) to express, do, or be? Write it down.
- pick ONE, and
- take ONE step into that dream today - and if that is: 'carve out 15 minutes to dream about it'
- come back and share with us in the comments below: What's your True Love? What was your first action step?
Insight without inspired action is lost value! Insight with inspired action is making your dream real.
TRUE LOVE has so many facets, why not pick one - and BE it?
sprinkles of joy for your cell-ebration,
☆✩ living inspiraton Tanya ✩☆