So, this is the second day of my raw food week... and this is how I feel (see image). My energy is high, I am fully present and at peace: an ocean of calm and clarity! I absolutely LOVE the look and feel of my kitchen with all the fun fresh food: basil, parsley, coriander, tomatoes, oranges, limes, lemons, bananas, beets, ginger, turnips, kiwis, lychees, romaine lettuce, green asparagus, avocados, papayas, carrots, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cucumber and more... Mmmmmhhhhhh!! Yum!
I have so much fun preparing the most delicious dishes together with... (hehe, not telling you!).
And when you feel that great, everything flows freely to you and through you and you realize that you are right smack in the middle of your most beautiful dream celebrating the gift of LIFE - yours and that of your Loved ones... but more:
You're Cell-ebrating ABUNDANT LIFE.
And you can feel that Creative Life Force inside your fresh food and the difference it makes in your body.
My appreciation is at a high right now and from that place anything is beautiful and anything is possible, because appreciation is the red carpet for all that you LOVE and APPRECIATE to come to you. What you appreciate, appreciates.
The circulation that I feel inside of my body with all that freshness is a real life metaphor for all that is circulating outside of me, seen or unseen. As I'm energizing my inner life, I am equally energizing my outer life as my mirror, and I have already seen sooo much synchronicity today.
This makes me curious to see what's NEXT. I will keep you posted.
I am also very grateful for my tribe... so many amazing people around me. I feel so blessed! Thank YOU!
That is where true leadership starts: Leading by example, inspiration, and SELF-CARE, because those who truly care for their own being, also care truly about others. Love is love. That's why I adore inspiring those who inspire me.
Sounds as delicious as my raw food range, a salad of creativity
with a dessert of chocolate emotions and minted energy.
with awe and appreciation for You,
☆ Tanya ☆✩
Life Coach Artist and Miracle-Mindset Accelerator
PS Affluent Adventures to You.