Hello again, wonderful family,
I feel very blessed and honored to be a part of this incredibly HEAVENLY down-to-earth project:
The re-design of The Ocean Story Boat. It is meant to be reborn carrying the messages of people from all over the world TO people from all over the world - connecting, weaving, sharing the joy, telling the stories, the images, the videos, and the love from all of us. We are all indigenous - and this project is for everyone, especially the kids (in us), so please, help us make this go viral - as well as get creative! The Ocean lies in our hands ... and we are the ones we've been waiting for. There is no one coming and taking response-ability for us. We are the ones - and this is the time - and we might as well have FUN with reCreating the AWARENESS AND HOLDING THE VISION of the magic that is our Ocean and our World ... and now ♥ :o) What we focus on expands. What are you focusing on?
One thing is for sure: We are all making waves all the time - the question is: What kind ... ??
Watch this gorgeous video of the story and personality of the boat's transformation: http://video214.com/play/83FmofcGevERvqcKl3xlrg/s/dark
The Ocean Story Boat arrives in Auckland this week where it will have work done to prepare for its global campaign voyage, including a new exterior and new sails made from the images & messages sent in by the public: people like YOU ...