Below is a link of the article that just let me ask myself: ''Why did I not know this earlier?''
I am not an expert in the area of food, but I am very tuned into my body and I can tell what makes it feel great - and what doesn't -, and I am sharing this with you. It is my pleasure and my privilege to share more of my personal ponderings with you because I truly treasure personal connection as much as inspired poetry and intuitive wisdom, all of which - and more - you can find here. You may wonder, what does food have to do with creativity and intuition and spirituality?
It has everything to do with creativity, intuition, and spirituality, because when your body - your amazing living vessel and library of wisdom - is clogged and sluggish and not working properly, then you can't really hear your own Higher Self.
It's like trying to listen to people talk to you on the phone when they hold a thick towel over the speaker/receiver.
You loose connection, you're too tired to treasure, to depressed to express, and too clogged to create, and what's more, your landing pad of Spirit is too cluttered so that no manifestation and miracle can land. Wow, right?!
Imagine an amazing lamp with a brilliant light bulb trying to shine its light from underneath a big deep puddle of swamp. What do you see? Yep! The murky puddle... not the light!
That's all! Try to give off some light from within that puddle and give off glorious glow... nope, nada...!
... after a long time of resisting (false self/fear perspective), of soaring 'up there in the skies' in my Higher Spirit, seeing the big picture at all times, but feeling safer not being 'too' anchored on earth, I am now finally having the courage, commitment, and momentum to LAND in my body and on Earth, putting deep roots down, getting grounded (exercise, body movement, fresh food, truly LIVING through JOY, experiencing and expressing the Life that comes through me as me. It's my Higher Self expanding and taking the lead with my lower self/mind being the co-pilot, not pilot and controller of my cockpit any longer.
In the end it is all about LIVING from the Fresh Life perspective.
Really FULLY living with ALL of You from your Higher SELF.
Raving Rewarding Reality to You,
miracle minded and with a playful Spirit
☆ Tanya ☆✩
Life Coach Artist and Inspirational Communicator
Wishing You an Affluent Adventure and that You FREE ALL Your Capacity!